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Development of a convolutional neural network based geomechanical upscaling technique for heterogeneous geological reservoir

Ma, Z., Ou, X., and Zhang, B.*

Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 6, June 2024, Pages 2111-2125 - Elsevier

Sequentially coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical simulation for geomechanical assessments of caprock integrity in SAGD

Zhang, B.*, Chalaturnyk, R. and Boisvert, J.

Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 25 April 2024

Numerical upscaling of anisotropic failure criteria in heterogeneous reservoirs

Zhang, B.*, Deisman, N., Chalaturnyk, R., and Boisvert, J.

Engineering Geology, Volume 331, March 2024, 107455 - Elsevier

Upscaling Shear Strength of Heterogeneous Oil Sands with Interbedded Shales Using Artificial Neural Network

Zhang, B., Ma, Z., Zheng, D., Chalaturnyk, R., and Boisvert J.

SPE Journal, Volume 28, Issue 02, April 2023

A numerical characterization workflow for assessing the strength and failure modes of heterogeneous oil sands

Zhang, B.*, Chalaturnyk R. and Boisvert J.

Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 7 August 2020

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